Working Groups

Working Group Summit

The rapid evolution of the cancer immunotherapy landscape—with an increasing number of approvals and new indications, hundreds of ongoing clinical trials, and data accrual—requires insight and practical guidance from thought leaders in the field. To meet this need, in 2018 under the guidance of the ACCC Immuno-Oncology Institute's Executive Committee, IO Working Groups were established in four areas: Big Data, Telemedicine, Multispecialty Care Coordination and Communication, and Training and Education. Distinguished members of the IO Working Groups share their expertise, knowledge, and forward-looking perspectives to provide a framework for developing proactive strategies for effective delivery of these new and emerging therapies.

Members of the IO Working Groups have authored a thought-provoking "Immuno-Oncology Insights" series. These brief articles explore both big picture issues in delivery of these therapies and front-line challenges confronting patients, caregivers, and the multidisciplinary cancer care team. 

In September 2018, the ACCC Immuno-Oncology Institute convened a Working Group Summit in Washington, D.C., bringing together the Institute's Executive Committee and IO Working Group members for a facilitated discussion to develop consensus on priority education interventions and to refine the ACCC IO Institute's areas of focus for 2019.

Big Data Working Group

Big Data Working Group

Multispecialty Care Coordination and Communication Working Group

Telemedicine Working Group


Training and Education Working Group
