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[Abstract] Improving Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Care Delivery: Findings for Oncology Nurses and Patient Navigation From a National Quality Survey

November 6, 2020

Jennifer Aversano, MSN, RN, OCN, BMTCN1; Leigh Boehmer, PharmD, BCOP2; Alexander Spira, MD, PhD3

1Advocate Lutheran General Hospital, Park Ridge, Illinois, USA; 2Association of Community Cancer Centers, Rockville, Maryland, USA; 3Virginia Cancer Specialists, US Oncology Research, Johns Hopkins Medicine, Fairfax, Virginia, USA 

Oncology nursing and patient navigation are vital components of optimal cancer care planning, coordination, and delivery within multidisciplinary teams (MDTs)1–3Although widely implemented in clinical practice since its inception,4–5 the design and delivery of patient navigation services in cancer care is often heterogeneous6–8The role and function of patient navigation within cancer care MDTs, including evidence-based interventions that can positively impact patient outcomes, need further clarification6–8


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ASCO Abstract: What Defines Quality Lung Cancer Care?
June 12, 2020

1. Wells KJ, et al. Support Care Cancer 2018;26(5):1369-1382.
2. Kehl KL, et al. JAMA Oncol 2015;1(1):50-58.
3. Hunnibell LS, et al. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2012;16(1):29-36.
4. Freeman HP. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2012;21(10):1614-1617.
5. Freeman HP, et al. Cancer 2011;117(15 Suppl):3539-3542.
6. Desveaux L, et al. Syst Rev 2019;8(1):8.
7. Freund KM. Acta Oncol 2017;56(2):123-127.
8. Gorin SS, et al. Ann Behav Med 2017;51(4):532-546.

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