Articles and Podcasts

[MINI-PODCAST] Ep 79: State Advocacy Matters


Because cancer treatment is rapidly evolving and complex, state-level advocacy is critical to help legislators understand the nuances of oncology. From issues like pharmacy benefit managers to white bagging and copay accumulators, the cancer care team knows firsthand the impact of policy decisions on the lived experiences of patients, including access to care, financial toxicity, and quality of life. Hear how state oncology societies have the power to mobilize larger groups of providers across the state to make their voices heard on behalf of their patients—and how you can get involved.

Ben Parsons-circleBenjamin M. Parsons, DO
Medical Oncologist/Hematologist
Gundersen Health Care System, La Crosse Clinic;
President, Wisconsin Association of Hematology and Oncology (WAHO)


State by State: Advocacy Advances PBM Reform, Part 2


In March, the Wisconsin legislature passed the 2021 Wisconsin Act 9 with overwhelming bipartisan support. Enactment of this PBM reform legislation establishes, for the first time, PBM oversight in Wisconsin.

In part 2 of this ACCCBuzz blog, WAHO Past President Kurt Oettel, MD, and Board Member Dean Gruber, RPh, talk about the PBM reform legislation passed in Wisconsin and how it will shape care delivery in 2022.
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For part 1 of the blog, click here.

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