National Policy Resources—Local Advocacy Results

As cancer care professionals who experience the challenges of providing quality cancer care first-hand, VAHO members are well positioned to educate decision-makers on how coverage and reimbursement issues affect community oncology. State and federal legislation can have a significant impact on the financial viability of local cancer programs, which is why it's so important that our members make their voices heard.

In an effort to provide resources needed to effectively advocate on the issues that are important to them, our redesigned advocacy webpage features activity from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), national healthcare coverage through the Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC), local news articles and webinars, and more.

We want to hear from you! If there is a specific piece of legislation you want to know more about, an important resource we're missing, or if you want to get more involved, please contact us!

Federal Advocacy 

VAHO Joins Coalition Letter Urging Addition of the Cures 2.0 Concept Paper Title IV Provisions in the Next COVID-19 Relief Package

The Virginia Association of Hematologists and Oncologists (VAHO) joined in a coalition letter to congressional leadership urging that Congress include the 21st Century Cures 2.0 concept paper, recently released by Representatives Diana DeGette and Fred Upton in upcoming legislation to further address the COVID-19 public health crisis. Specifically the letter urges leadership to include policy to provide Medicaid coverage of the routine care costs of clinical trials participation for patients with life-threatening conditions in every state. This critical protection is championed by Representatives Ben Ray Luján and Gus Bilirakis in the Clinical Treatment Act (H.R. 913).


  • An Update on Healthcare Legislation at the State Level
    By Christian G. Downs, MHA, JD
    March 22, 2023
    If you are looking for legislative action, look no further than your state's legislatures. Most—if not all—states have had issues relating to oncology care and healthcare in general come up during their 2023 sessions.
  • ACCC Announces its 2023 Advocacy Agenda
    March 07, 2023
    For 2023, ACCC members have identified four core areas of focus (e.g., reimbursement, utilization management, provider-patient choice), among a larger set of issues and concerns, that the association will be supporting this year.
  • ACCC Recognizes National Caregivers Day: Analyzing a Mental Health Crisis
    February 17, 2023
    Today is National Caregivers Day, and ACCCBuzz analyzes the current mental health crisis that is affecting the caregivers of loved ones everywhere.

Advocacy In the News

AONN+ Leadership Council Shares Need for Complete Cancer Care Team

On March 30, 2021, the Academy of Oncology Nurse & Patient Navigators (AONN+) Leadership Council released key reasons why cancer care teams should be protected and thoughtful investment strategies for cancer programs and practices to help remain strong as they recover from the pandemic. After closely reviewing the pandemic's impact on cancer care delivery in 2020, the Leadership Council devised key reasoning for protecting the cancer care team and service line:

  • Newly diagnosed patient volumes will increase along with diagnoses of advanced disease
  • Cancer service line revenues will be impacted if care organization is not streamlined and efficient
  • The navigation team (e.g., navigators, social workers, etc.) will be difficult to reassemble
  • Navigation can address cancer disparities.
"With new testing and mitigation strategies being implemented and improved access to vaccines on the horizon, now is the time to proactively plan for the near future. With proper and realistic planning, members of the cancer care team can be well-positioned to serve their patients with cancer and their families as the pandemic begins to subside."

The AONN+ Leadership Council is led by Christian Downs, executive director of the Association of Community Cancer Centers, with support from Linda Fleisher, principal investigator at Fox Chase Cancer Center, Lillie Shockney, co-founder of AONN+, Rani Khetarpal, vice president of Provider Partnerships at New Century Health, and Mandi Pratt-Chapman, associate center director of Patient-Centered Initiatives and Health Equity at George Washington Cancer Center.

For more information on the Leadership Councils' tips for a strong cancer care team post-pandemic, read the full announcement.

Posted 4/7/2021

Oncology State Societies at ACCC: Snapshot from the 2022 ASCO Annual Meeting

In this clip, Stephanie Van Winkle, Executive Director of the Oncology State Societies at ACCC, gives an overview of the important work the Oncology State Societies does to empower its members around state and federal advocacy issues, and help them support cancer care delivery in their state. Join today

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