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In this special podcast episode, we talk with oncology social worker and ACCC President Krista Nelson, MSW, LCSW, OSW-C, FAOSW, about the overwhelming grief of the pandemic and its toll on cancer care professionals.
One serious, unwanted side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic is the potential for substantial consequences for cancer outcomes due to delayed access to cancer diagnosis and treatment. Hear from Dr. Debra Patt, the author of a study which detected a substantial decrease (among American seniors) in cancer screenings, visits, therapy, and surgeries.
Envision a day that cancer clinicians can ask an app to advise on immuno-oncology (IO) treatment options for a patient. That day may not be far off.
We look at how rural cancer care teams are managing to provide quality care with limited resources during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We explore how immunotherapy clinical trials have been affected by the pandemic and what cancer programs can do to safely and effectively administer clinical trials.
Learn how surgical oncology has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic and how programs are adapting to fluctuations in staff availability and patient volume.
Jeffrey Kendall, PsyD, LP, shares useful tips and resources for compassionate communication with patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We explore how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected patient access to oral oncolytics, and what cancer teams can do to help their patients.
Learn how cancer programs can quickly and securely establish telemedicine platforms to continue delivering quality care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We'll discuss the telehealth regulatory and policy changes enacted during the COVID-19 pandemic, what may change in 2021, and what’s likely to remain the same regarding the reimbursement of remote care.
Learn how genetic healthcare services have adapted to virtual care delivery, and what challenges face its widespread use after the COVID-19 pandemic is over.
We’ll delve into the dramatic changes in care delivery that Montefiore Health System underwent during the pandemic, lessons learned along the way that can help pave the way forward, and how the spirit of collaboration and innovation that emerged in 2020 will remain long after the pandemic.
A physician assistant shares the challenges related to COVID-19, the vaccine, and how his program is adapting to keep diagnosed patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) safe.
As the COVID-19 pandemic recedes and restrictions loosens for most of the U.S., we'll discuss how patient education has become even more critical during this transition.
Explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the financial health of cancer programs and practices across the country, from lower patient volume and screening interventions and decreased revenue streams.
We take a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted lung screenings across the country and how oncology teams are adapting their outreach and education to reach as many people as possible.
We look at recent adaptations in oncology—and how some of these changes can actually make cancer care stronger moving forward.
On this episode of CANCER BUZZ, we discuss how healthcare providers and policymakers can work together to pave the future of telehealth beyond the current public health emergency.
Learn how the role of caregivers has changed during the pandemic, and how the cancer team can provide caregivers with guidance on taking care of patients with cancer.
ACCC launched a COVID-19 Resource Center in March 2020 to offer education and tools to community practitioners working directly on the frontlines.
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