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January 20, 2023
Join ACCC and guest speakers, Drs. Brendon Stiles and Percy Lee, to learn about a new resource developed by expert stakeholders that incorporates evidence-based guidance on best practice in stage IB/IIIA NSCLC. The resource addresses recommendations in four core components: care coordination and patient education, diagnosis and initial management, treatment planning, and survivorship, and can be used …
Cancer prevalence is increasing, and there is a gap between the growing number of patients and the number of oncology providers. Effective use of advanced practice providers (APPs) can help bridge this care gap.
An expert ACCC Steering Committee shares 32 informed treatment and care delivery recommendations for the ideal care of patients with non-small cell lung cancer.
Learn how Dorcy Cancer Center at St Mary-Corwin Hospital in Pueblo, Colorado, developed and implemented the model tobacco cessation program.
In this article, the authors discuss revisions to the Optimal Care Coordination Model following beta testing to develop the final version, rationale for significant revisions, and nationwide dissemination of the Model.
Oncology Hematology Care, Inc. launched a one-year quality improvement project to implement and standardize comprehensive biomarker testing in patients with metastatic non-small cell lung cancer.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact in the rate of cancer screening across various states in the United States. Louisiana, Delaware, Kentucky and Northern Michigan serve as vehicles for an analysis of the disparity in cancer screening rates, before and after the pandemic.
Key findings from an ACCC survey and education program.
This study at Atrium Health, Levine Cancer Institute, highlights the needs of patients with lung cancer and their care partners.