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Philanthropy is a way to start supportive care programs and other needed services.
Spiritual care providers support the religious and spiritual needs of patients and their caregivers.
As the United States healthcare system moves to value-based and bundled payments under alternative payment models, it is now more important than ever for cancer programs and practices to quantitatively and qualitatively measure to show the value that supportive cancer care services bring to patients.
10 | Vol. 36, No. 3, 2021 | OI patients with a healthy support system in place or those who receive health behavioral services tend to do better and experience better outcomes. A 2019 article published in BMC Psychiatry found that the incidence of psychological disorders in patients with cancer is very high, somewhere between 30 and 60 percent.1 The most encountered problems …
A supportive care option to prevent hair loss for women—and men—undergoing chemotherapy.
Many cancer program leaders say that improving patient access and the patient-centeredness of care delivery are key strategic imperatives.
Cancer patients are typically treated with approaches ranging from surgery and radiotherapy to chemotherapy or immunotherapy. However, millions of patients every year seek additional options from a menu of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM).