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Care optimization is everything in today’s rapidly changing healthcare landscape. Learn how ACCC's nationwide quality improvement (QI) initiative helped Southern Ohio Medical Center Cancer Center develop and implement plans to support the optimization of care for patients diagnosed with Stages III and IV non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
Cancer programs and practices can leverage technology to mitigate the impact of social determinants of health (SDOH). Learn about three companies and their technology that is developed to advance equity in cancer care delivery.
On August 18, ACCC President David R. Penberthy, MD, hosted his second Tech Talk, as 40 ACCC members came together to brainstorm technology solutions to mitigate oncology workforce shortages. Learn about the day’s discussion and the variety of artificial intelligence (AI)- and business intelligence (BI)-enabled platforms that are available to support your workforce.
By turning to technology solutions that are already being used by the health system and that were well understood by their healthcare teams and patients, Baptist Health South Florida, Miami Cancer Institute staff are providing high-quality cancer care without having to dip deeper into its operating budget.
Pharmacy informatics can be leveraged to help clinical inpatient pharmacists ensure the safe use of oral oncolytics during a patient’s hospital stay.
ACCC convened its members, sponsors, and industry partners in person (for the first time since the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic) and online for the 48th Annual Meeting and Cancer Center Business Summit in Washington, D.C., enabling more people to participate in ways in which they were most comfortable.
An integrated precision tracking program ensures proper follow-up care and surveillance for survivors of colorectal cancer.
Cancer programs are facing multiple challenges related to treating patients in a COVID-19 environment. Cancer programs need to deploy systems and processes to help navigate these patients into the healthcare system and to work through the backlog of new patients with cancer as quickly as possible within existing resources.
After integrating voice recognition software with its EMR, Mount Sinai Health System reduced physician workload, improved patient care, and streamlined clinic workflow. Physicians and staff shared that this process improvement initiative also improved their well-being, freeing clinicians up to spend more time doing what they want to do—caring for patients.
A step-by-step guide on how to develop and implement a health system-wide distress screening tool.