Home / Whitelisting


ACCC and Oncology State Societies at ACCC use a handful of industry-standard mass-mailing systems to deliver many member services and information about our products and offerings. If you are having trouble receiving our emails you may need to add us to your whitelist.

Whitelisting tells your email client or internet service provider that mail from accc-cancer.org is not spam. Whitelisting takes place at two levels: at the server level and/or at the recipient's desktop level.

Please send the server level whitelisting information to the IT department/e-mail administrator of your organization. If you prefer to do this on your personal computer, the desktop level instructions explain the whitelisting process for the recipient for most major email clients, such as Gmail or Outlook.com.

Server-level whitelisting

Your corporate email system checks IP addresses, among other things, for verification and security. Whitelisting Act-On’s IPs tells your email provider that you trust Act-On and want to receive messages from our platform. This ensures that important system emails are delivered to your inbox instead of your Spam folder, and allows you to receive test messages in your inbox.

Work with your IT team to:

  • Whitelist the domains & IP addresses listed below in both:
    • Your corporate email system (e.g., Outlook365, Gmail)
    • Any security/filtering application you may be using for inbound mail (e.g., Mimecast, Proofpoint, Barracuda)
  • Exempt the same domains and IP addresses and your corporate From Addresses from your inbound email spoofing rules.

Domains to Whitelist for Mail:

  • accc-cancer.org
  • mail.accc-cancer.org
  • b2b-mail.net
  • act-on.net
  • act-on.com
  • acton-success.com
  • actonsoftware.com
  • actonservice.com
  • aocdn.net

IP Addresses to Whitelist for Mail:

Whitelist these ranges, expressed in CIDR notation::


More information on whitelisting our emails can be found here: https://connect.act-on.com/hc/en-us/articles/360023945033-Whitelisting-Act-On-IPs.

Desktop-level whitelisting

Below are instructions for common email clients.

  • Apple Mail Whitelisting (OS X and iOS devices):
    • Both Apple Mail on OSX and Mail on iOS devices have a similar process for adding senders to Contacts. By selecting the From, or Reply-to on an email message, you can choose to “Add to Contacts” or “Add to VIPs.”

  • Outlook.com Whitelisting:
    • After opening an email message, an alert message should display with, “Parts of this message have been blocked for your safety.” Beneath this, click the link with, “I trust sender@theirdomain.com. Always show content:”

  • Gmail Whitelisting (Webmail and mobile):
    • Getting all future emails from a sender to appear in the “Primary” tab (instead of “Promotions”, or elsewhere) is a quick, two-step process.


      First of all, drag-and-drop the email message from beneath the tab it’s currently filed under, to the “Primary” tab:


      Once done, a message alert will appear with, “This conversation has been moved to Primary. Do this for all future messages from sender@theirdomain.com?” Select “Yes.”
    • Gmail on mobile devices doesn’t provide a way to prioritize messages. However, touching “Show images” then “Always show images from Sender” will ensure that images always display in the inbox:

  • Android Whitelisting (Default client):
    • On Android devices, open the email message and touch the picture of the sender that displays before the message. Tap “Add to Contacts.”
  • Windows Live Desktop Whitelisting:
    • After opening an email message in Windows Live Desktop, an alert in the preview pane with, “Some images in this message are not shown.” will display. Select the link, “Add to Safe Senders list.”

  • Yahoo! Mail Whitelisting:
    • When opening an email message, a “+” symbol should display next to From: and the sender’s name. Select this and an “Add to contacts” pop-up should appear. Select “Save:”
